Terms last updated: 20 November 2023
Every artist has a process for booking appointments and a specific way of working. In here, you'll find all the terms and conditions Andrés has set over the years for all his clients.
Andrés has the right to refuse service to anyone not compliant with these terms.
1. Deposit
All appointments and days booked require a non-refundable deposit. This is to make sure clients make it to their appointments and there’s not “no shows” or last minute cancellations. Andrés’s schedule is really busy, so if a date booked is missed, the deposit will be taken and a new deposit will have to be sent to reschedule the date. If you need to reschedule a date, please get in contact with us at info@acostattoo.com at least 1 month in advance to be able to reschedule at no cost. Last minute reschedules are accepted until 1 week before the appointment, but there’s a $100 rescheduling fee in those cases.
Returning of deposits for extraordinary circumstances are evaluated and managed by Andrés. Fees may apply.
Pay deposit HERE
2. Design / Idea
All designs made by Andrés are one of a kind, original and custom. There’s no 2 tattoos/designs that are the same, and he’s never done the same tattoo twice.
After the idea is reviewed and accepted by Andrés and the deposit is sent, all the information (description of the idea, photo references, photo of the area, estimate sessions, client information, deposit sent, etc) is saved for your appointment date.
If you read the FAQ you saw Andrés works only with clients that are open to his artistic interpretation (artistic freedom), that way he can create a design that stays true to his art, giving the best result possible to his clients. There’s a little wiggle room when it comes to the design, and he likes to guide his clients to be able to find a middle ground where everybody is happy.
The design for each client is worked on the day before the appointment, Andrés will try to contact you to clarify the idea and sometimes brainstorm. Usually this process goes smoothly if all the details that are important were mentioned on the initial emails when booking.
The rendered image of the design is showned to the client the day of the first appointment, during a short meeting with Andrés, where he will explain the design and talk about it with the client to make sure is perfect.
If the client doesn’t agree or like the design, depending on the reason, Andrés may be able to change things, but usually this throws things off since each design take hours and a lot of preparation, making some changes really hard to do on the go. After agreeing to ARTISTIC FREEDOM, you could lose your deposit and get canceled for the day. Any additional deposits for extra days may be returned if Andres decides that the project should be cancelled entirely.
3. Amount of sessions
Andrés has a good grasp on how many sessions a tattoo may take, but is not perfect. Sometimes tattoos are overestimated or underestimated, making the process very unpredictable.
At the time of the booking, an estimate is given. Sometimes the tattoo takes less time, sometimes takes more. It all depends on the complexity of the design, the area of the body, type of skin and healing practices.
If the amount of sessions gets to a point of exceeding the budget, Andrés is always open to figure things out so the amount of work and payment are fair for everyone.
The number of appointments may vary and additional appointments may be necessary to finish the project.
4. Ghosted projects
If you started a project and stopped coming to your appointments for an extended period of time (+1 year), additional sessions may have to be added to the original estimate of sessions. Also, Andrés has the last word when it comes to accepting old projects that were started years ago but never continued as originally planned.
5. Behavior
Andrés expects everybody to be nice with a good attitude while in the studio.
All clients, no exceptions, have to be sober (no alcohol or drugs for the last 24hrs) at the time they arrive to the appointment.
If a client is acting intoxicated, André has the right to cancel the appointment/s and keep the deposit for the day.
6. Visitors / Companions
Visitors have to wait in the waiting room. Only the person getting tattooed is allowed to the tattoo area.
7. Tattoo Sleeves
Larger projects are always a big commitment, sleeves can take anywhere from 60 to 100 hours. It depends on size of the arm, the design and the consistency of the client to show up for appointments and sitting well over the sessions.
Andrés doesn't take that many sleeves, but when he does, he prefers starting with a big area first, like the upper outer part of the arm, from shoulder to elbow, keeping it open and flowing with the anatomy of the arm, making it easy to add the rest of the sleeve.
8. Payments
Online payments thru apps and credit cards have an additional fee of 3%